it’s all beautiful right here & now.
the Lord reminded me this morning of the promise that He has gone before — in all the unknowns & worries & fears of the future. We shouldn’t be in a hurry & rush ahead in our own strength when He is right here all around us now. He has placed us where we are for such a specific reason & it’s so lovely.
I pray that we can open our eyes to the people & the place surrounding us now & pour out His grace in these present moments. it’s in the mundane, the little things, where miracles happen. may we not miss what He is trying to do today because we are consumed with what is to come. may we not miss what He is speaking to us right now because we are worried with our future. may we be fully present.
the Lord gives us a lamp, not a flashlight, to see what is around us now. He doesn’t allow us to see too far down the road. He gives enough light for us to see, but not too much so we are not overwhelmed. He has out best intentions in mind. He is such a gracious & thoughtful & compassionate Father.
love deeply & radically here & now. be Light, speak truth, & spread His name here & now. tell of His goodness & faithfulness, His splendor & majesty, here & now.
The Lord will reveal the unknown to you in His sovereign timing. But right now, fix your eyes on Him moving all around you in every second & every moment — there are miracles happening, lives being healed & changed forever, & chains falling in the name of Jesus.
it’s all oh so beautiful right here & now.