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waiting with Jesus.


"Do you remember your parents telling you to do something when you were younger? Maybe you were obedient, maybe you rushed at the opportunity to make your bed or put away laundry. I, however, moaned and groaned – making it well known the task at hand was something I did not want to do. Do you do the same when the Lord calls you to do something specific?

With the season of Advent approaching I keep thinking about Mary and Joseph, and their call to be not just obedient, but to listen to the Lord even when the task at hand seemed like too much. Mary never wavered in unbelief, but simply told the angel Gabriel, 'let it be to me according to your word.' She understood that she was a 'servant of the Lord' and that was enough to be obedient in the path she had been put in front of.

I hate waiting – lines, traffic, for a text message, a grade to be put in. Waiting has never been something I pride myself at being good at.

Last year I never waited, I didn’t wait for others approval, I didn’t wait to see if the timing was right, I simply did what sounded best for me.

This year, however, I find myself in this constant state of being still and waiting.

One of my favorite songs by the band the Killers starts out like this:

'Be still Wild and young Long may your innocence reign Like shells on the shore And may your limits be unknown And may your efforts be your own If you ever feel you can't take it anymore Be STILL.'

Those lyrics always make me feel some type of way. All music relates to you in some way shape or form. But these lyrics always feel biblical to me. To have faith like a child wild and young, but in the moments of fear, worry, and doubt. Be still.  These words remind me of a devotional I read a few weeks ago.

'Leave outcomes up to me. Follow me wherever I lead, without worrying about how it will all turn out. Think of your life as an adventure, with me as your guide and companion. Live in the now, concentrating on staying in step with me. When our path leads to a cliff, be willing to climb it with my help. When we come to a resting place, take time to be refreshed by my presence. Enjoy the rhythm of life, lived close to me. You already know the ultimate destination of your journey: your entrance into heaven. So, keep your focus on the path just before you, leaving the outcomes to me.'

I think I hate waiting so much because I feel like I am no longer being used, being a vessel, being a light. So, at the beginning of this season I sought comfort in the busy hectic life. But I keep going, keep draining myself, and keep feeling far from my Jesus. Last month I heard him say “My child, why do you keep drinking from wells that will not sustain you? With me, you will never thirst” Sure right now maybe I am not climbing a cliff or dancing recklessly with Jesus. No, we are simply sitting still, but we are together. And my efforts are still unknown, but I shall remain obedient – like Mary and Joseph and I will wait. Yes, me and Jesus – waiting but learning. And I can say honestly, I do not find myself thirsty." -Amelia Abernathy

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